Lots of corrugated cardboard boxes, plastic containers, bags and caps, lids, tubes, wires + fabrics along with paints +hot glue. Mystical animals, people from other realms, wild creations formed from the imagination's of children and adults together taking the classes.
This class is intended to unite the various ages and cultures in our community, while playing as children do when making Art. Playing is often a neccessary part in the creation of Art. I know that is what happens when I do it and with wild childlike abandon, I created a Night Owl wall hanging- seen above.
This "gorilla" show was superimposed on another great show of work by Artist, Jack Millard. The two shows blended well. The animal menagerie of sculptures was up for only a coupla days over the weekend and it's being dismantled quickly as the Artists are coming by to pick up their works piece by piece.
Bruno is here every summer creating in the Opera House spaces with the community according to what I heard. I will surely be back next year to partake again - it was one of the best classes I have ever attended. Thanks Bruno!