Friday, December 19, 2008

Playful Art

It's been far too long since my last post on this blog!
I will tend to it much more in 2009...

A b s tr ACT i ON


The abstract paintings that you see above evolved through the course of about a month at paperscissorsOranges, which is the children's Art studio that I teach at a few days each week. What appears to be something that could hang on my living room wall is actually the side of a house construction made from boxes. The kids paint it over + over each day, each week until the sides buckle in and then we make a new one. Below you can get an idea of what it looks like in the class room.

and this below is a group effort mural which I would like for my wall too!
These murals are also a regular site to feast your eyes on in the studio.

1 comment:

  1. Boy... seeing all this cool art in a neat space really gets my creative juices flowing. Looks like a blast. I love art that uses recycled materials.


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